Friday 4 May 2012

Now I'm Telling You

I remember my mum and dad reading to me when I was only two or three years old every night, it was always the same book, my favourite, Noddy.  By the time I was three years old I was able to recite the whole book to my family.

When I was seven years old, I would spend all my pocket money on books, I used to read three books at once, one for the morning, one for the afternoon and the other for lying in bed in the evening. 

My favourite book at the minute is Peter and the Shadow Thieves, it's the prequel to Peter Pan, written by J.M. Barry's son, Dave Barry.

When I was twelve years old I wrote a poem about Halloween and was given a really good grade it, that was when I first realised that I  was good at English.

 I have always enjoyed writing and reading especially and the books I have written are always about adventure.

I now have a baby sister, who I enjoy reading to, and me and my other sister enjoy making up circle stories where one of us adds a word and then the other, saying one word each.