Friday 18 May 2012

How old is never???

This is my attempt at some impossible questions...

How old is never?
Never has no age but the age of infinity, it goes on forever or never, depending on who's mindset you are in. 

What is the texture of sadness?
The texture of sadness is like when you go to the beach, or you have just been surfing the best waves and get right to the edge of the waters and get sand in your mouth, or when there is some leftover sugar in the back of your mouth once you have finished your bowl of cereal in the morning.

What does an echo look like?
An echo looks like your hair when you wake up in the morning, every strand of hair in it's own direction just like the sound, going in any direction it likes.

What shape is infinity?
The shape of infinity is a kite, a red kite. Showing that there are corners and problems in the way of your life but if you take a different route you can overcome these problems.


  1. I like the comparison of hair to an echo! Thank you for attempting some impossible questions.
