Friday 1 June 2012

Jubilant Ekphrasis

Ekphrasis: Now, that is a big word for a Friday afternoon. 

It comes to us from Ancient Greece, and relates to the idea of writing inspired by or about art or visual images. The ekphrastic tradition is more complex than that, but we come across it in its modern form all over the place in English Literature. Some of my favourites include the poems I Would Like to be a Dot in a Painting by Miro by Monica Alzi and Musee des Beaux Arts by WH Auden. But more on those at a later date!

 This weekend marks the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations and our school is ablaze in a conflagration of red, white and blue. I would like you to take a photograph of something that captures the essence of this idea, from near or from afar. Post it on your blog, then use someone else's photograph to write your own piece. You can use any form you wish.

To mark this special occasion our teachers made us dress up in red, white and blue, although some came as the Queen! we had hair dye and face paint everywhere!
I took these 3 pictures because they represented the Diamond Jubilee to me, what do they say to you?

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